

Our customers come first. CSI strives to be the benchmark of excellence in providing exemplary service that is patient focused, evidence based, and culturally diverse. We produce consistent and positive patient experiences, which provides exceptional clinical outcomes.
Our remarkable Physicians foster a team that operates in a collaborative, supportive, and learning organization that embraces a high reliability organization of principles with a culture of safety and Continuous Process Improvement at the core for the services provided.


CSI is a proud sponsor of many global efforts to combat poverty and access to good quality health care. Our professional medical staff are encouraged and sponsored to participate in various medical outreach with organizations such Doctors without borders and WYATT. See below for the latest work some of our medical staff participated in by providing medical care to impoverished indigenous villagers of La Concepcion Nicaragua. Endemic among the villagers are parasitic infections, sexually transmitted infections such as Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Herpes Simplex II. We provided health educational materials and in-depth teachings by simplifying difficult medical and scientific concepts in areas of disease prevention, water treatment techniques, safe sexual practices and family planning. One of our experienced former military field surgeon, performed several wrist ganglion cyst removals, repaired several wounds sustained by villagers in their farms and fields. One memorable case was a lady with a large chronic necrotic left leg wound filled with purulent puss. She was ambulating with a cane to reduce pressure and pain from the wound. Our surgeon was able to debride, clean and close the wound. Patient made such rapid recovery and no longer required a cane for ambulation. She returned two weeks later so grateful and joyous and thanked us profusely.

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